When we step into the unknown, a new opportunity whether it be a new relationship, career, or business, we can have a sense of fear come up, these overwhelming feelings, they try to warn us, suggesting it may not be safe to move forward.
These feelings can come up for us because of two underlying reasons, one is that we feel that we’re not good enough or that we don’t have the skills that we’re stretching ourselves out of our comfort zone and stepping into an unknown role or an unknown relationship. We don’t have any sort of measuring stick to determine whether it’s safe or whether it’s familiar and we don’t have that sense of security.
We often start this chitter-chatter in our minds, why we shouldn’t move forward, because it’s not safe or because it’s not secure, we don’t know what we’re doing, or we don’t know what it’s going to be like and therefore try to talk ourselves out of moving forward, to keep ourselves in the safe zone in the secure zone. This can hinder our progress, it can destroy new opportunities and it can stunt our growth.
We become stuck in this holding pattern of safety and never really challenge ourselves to grow, to look for new opportunities to step through that safety threshold into growth new opportunity.
However, it may not necessarily be fear that is holding you back? The feeling coming up can often a lack of values alignment. You’ve been presented with or stepped into a new opportunity and you’ve realized that it doesn’t align with your values. This is why it is so important to get really clear on your values.
Understanding your values helps you to navigate your decisions and navigate opportunities because if you step into a new opportunity you need to have your values in alignment to stay true to who you are, if your values are disjointed, there will be problems. Sometimes this disjointed feeling is masked as fear or sabotage when really, it’s your values being breached.
So, two questions you need to ask yourself when this comes up for you is?
Does this align with my values?
Is this fear holding me back?
Is something not in alignment with your core value system? Or is it that you’re fearful of the growth fearful of the unknown fearful of this new opportunity Get clear on which one is it? Because if it’s a values alignment issue, that needs to be addressed really quickly? If it is fear-based, then it’s something that maybe you need to ask yourself, am I sabotaging myself here? Am I talking myself out of growth? Am I talking myself out of a great opportunity? Am I stunting my growth, am I trying to just keep myself in the safe zone.
Much Love
Loretta Morgan
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