When we want to make a change, or maybe when we’re forced to make a change through a significant event in our lives we are called to up-level our consciousness.
It might be that you’ve had to move home or a relationship has ended or your role in an organization has been cut or you’ve had some shifts in your business. There could be a multitude of different things that have forced you to make a change or catapulted you into this sudden change.
Maybe your just sick of living a life your unhappy with, sick of the old patterns playing out, had enough of getting the same old results all the time so you’ve made a conscious decision to make a change.
This change often is super uncomfortable, really painful, and very confronting.
Quite often what happens is when we’re forced to change or we’ve made a conscious decision to change, we feel these feelings of uneasiness, of being uncomfortable of the unfamiliar and it can be very unsettling.
Naturally, we want to feel a sense of ease and flow in our life and so we start to look for the familiar again, the comfortable, we have this desire to go back to what’s familiar this need to go back into our comfort zone.
We want to retreat to where we think it’s safe to feel secure because, it’s a habit, it’s normality and that is one of our fundamental needs, safety, and security.
So, when this involuntary or voluntary change happens we must learn how to find our safety and security within us, to be strong within ourselves and know that we in fact are the center point of everything around us, that we hold our own power.
If we don’t want the same stuff to keep occurring to us in our lives, then we need to hold strong and create the change regardless of the pullback into what we feel is normal, normal is not always safe or good for us. If we have been forced to change then we need to accept a new normal.
If we want to bring change in our lives then we need to change the output, we need to change the environment we need to change what we’re doing.
This often means letting go of relationships of places of people of environments of a lot of different things, a lot of old habits, a lot of things that we’ve grown to get used to and be comfortable with in order to shift ourselves out of those old patterns and shift into new patterns.
This can be really uncomfortable and really confronting and often this is why we keep falling back into old patterns. We start scrambling to look back to safety, we’re scrambling to look back to the familiar to the comfortable, to what we’ve grown to know instead of being self-aware enough to go, hey, this is just a pattern of retreating back to safety, this time I am moving ahead, I am not going back.
If we’re wanting to make a shift or we’re forced to make shifts, we can’t go back, this is counterproductive. If we go back, we’re just going back to the same old way and maybe where we’re been forced to change and so we can’t go back.
We only have a way forward.
The beauty in this is that if we can just keep our eyes focused on what it is that we do want for our lives, the change that we want to see, the new life that we want to see for ourselves, the joy, the happiness, the vision of where we want to be in our relationship, in our business in our life, then we start making decisions based on that focus point.
This will help us step into the change that we want to make and will help us to let go and move forward.
From my experience, there will be a pivotal point where we will look back and we will see that the old way is no longer familiar to us, we’ll look forward and also see that’s it too is not familiar to us either, so we’re kind of in this holding pattern where we just need to keep moving forward and trust that it will all unfold beautifully.
Trust that we will find the future that we’re looking for and see the change that we want to see.
It’s a matter of keeping our focus on what we do want and keep heading towards that.
So accepting that it’s going to feel uncomfortable and unfamiliar, that it’s going to get to be a little painful, and it’s going to be a little bit confronting, and that that’s okay.
Stop looking for comfort in the maladaptive ways, stop looking for comfort in what no longer exists, and start to create a new life, a new way.
Stop trying to go back to feeling comfortable, keep your eyes ahead and trust.
I’ve seen so many start to make the change and they retreat because it feels scary or uncomfortable then they try to go back to the way it was and find, it’s not the same or they wish they had kept going forward remembering why they decided to change in the first place or they slip back into those old habits, those old beliefs, those old patterns, those old relationships.
So, make the decision to make the change and let go and move forward with love for yourself, with determination and confidence in having that new life and having that new experience and having all those wonderful things that you know, you deserve, and that you know that you can have and stay the course.
If this change has been forced upon you just know that this too shall pass and remember that discomfort doesn’t last forever, the feeling of uncertainty, the feeling of being out of your comfort zone doesn’t last forever, and you will move forward.
You will see those new things flourish, those wonderful changes come together for you.
Much Love
Loretta Morgan
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