Many people seek the approval of others, constantly asking, does this look okay, should I do this, what should I do here.
Firstly, seeking the approval of others will never get you what you really want because the answers you seek are within you.
Many try to seek the approval of others to try to fit in, to try to feel better, stop trying to get approval from those who will never give it to you.
The only approval you will ever need is yours.
What you need to be asking yourself is, what do I value, what do I want, what do I stand for, and make sure that you show up 100% congruent to that.
The approval you seek is your own, if you are 100% aligned, your internal and external world match then you won’t need anyone else’s approval.
Many constantly seek approval from others, it’s a tiresome and pointless task, you’ll never be able to measure up if you can’t approve of yourself first and foremost.
You’ll feel disjointed if you’re constantly trying to make others happy, you’ll feel incongruent, you’ll be constantly making decisions based on what others want for you instead of what you want for yourself.
We have been conditioned to seek the approval of others in how we look, what we say for acceptance of the tribe.
Historically rejection from the tribe was never a good thing however times have changed.
Seeking others’ approval is disempowering and soul-destroying.
You know the answers that are inside of you and what you ultimately need to do, what is right for you and no one else can answer that for you.
It takes courage to stand out on your own and back yourself and trust in your own approval.
The reward is much greater than the risk because what it does is build your:
- Self-confidence
- Self-belief
- Trust in yourself.
Seems to me that self-approval is all we will ever need.
Much Love
Loretta Morgan
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