We innately fear rejection; this fundamental way of thinking comes from the instinctual need for acceptance of the tribe in order to survive. Whilst that was once a critical element that was detrimental to our existence, times have changed significantly.
We have so many more resources available for us to survive and thrive in a world that can support us in stepping into our individuality and accepting ourselves for who we are. Yet we still get so stuck on trying to master perfection, we hang onto having everything exactly right before we can step out, we become needy to the world around us for accepting us.
What we need to do is accept ourselves as perfectly imperfect, that we are in fact whole, and wonderful, just as we are with our imperfections, and that these are a part of our make-up. Through embracing more self-acceptance, we then become more accepting of others, more relaxed within ourselves and in the world around us.
There is no need to be anything other than yourself, and in doing so, you attract more of what is aligned with you, and therefore more congruency in life. This means more harmonious relationships and overall happiness with where you are at.
Through trying to be perfect, measuring against some external ideal, or to try and become someone you are not because you see that as perfection to some degree, you will find less joy because perfection is a measurement that is never within reach as the goalposts continually change.
Perfection is ultimately an illusion which stops you from achieving your goals, and what is in alignment for you as a unique individual. In essence, we have learned to believe that we need to be something that we think is acceptable to others, which we think will give us more joy and love in our lives. In striving for perfection, we are making ourselves more unhappy.
We actually get more of what is aligned for us when we just relax into who we truly are, accepting our unique gifts, and loving ourselves. Through our constant need for perfection, because of the perceived requirement to be perfect to be accepted, we get stuck in inaction, in sameness, and in becoming something other than ourselves.
Life becomes easier when we make choices that are in alignment with what we want for our lives, not what we think others will perceive as perfect, or good.
You are imperfectly, perfect.
Loretta Morgan
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