You don’t have to continue down the same destructive miserable path you’ve already gone down.
You have a choice to change the direction of your life.
Every human on this planet deserves a life of happiness and abundance if that’s what they choose.
Just because you’ve gone down a certain path in life doesn’t make you less deserving of a wonderful life.
You keep punishing yourself by continuing in your destructive cycles because you think you’re not worthy, not deserving because of your past, then you keep building in this same story until it becomes so large that you can’t see a way forward, only more of what you’ve already got.
It becomes this entangled mess.
I am here to tell you that you can make a decision to leave all that behind and take one step in the direction of love and abundance.
That step is to choose to love you, to choose to value yourself, and to start believing that you’re worthy of happiness and abundance, and this takes practice.
That dark place you’ve been in for so long that keeps you running in a toxic cycle is like a putrid vortex that tries to suck you back in at every moment.
Your job is to stay strong in holding your power and the vision of self-love.
This means no more destroying yourself, no more toxic behaviors, and no more putting yourself last.
It’s time to put yourself first, choose self-loving actions.
Because a series of great choices over time being you to a place of abundance, so over time you can see how much you’ve changed, and how much you e put yourself first.
You can water and nurture a struggling plant and it will grow into the most beautiful thing, if you do that for yourself the same thing will happen.
Will today be the day you choose to change the direction of your life and make choices towards self-love and abundance?
If so what’s the first thing that someone who loves themselves would do?
Please share with us, what you will do today to nurture and love yourself?
Much love
Loretta 🖤
If you would like to work with me, you can book a consult HERE
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