The pain you are feeling is the pain of growth, expansion, and the process of solidifying your container.

The more you try to avoid discomfort, the more you will be faced with it, the more challenging it will be for you.

Because that which we avoid just continues to bubble underneath the surface, or it just manifests in a different way.  If you constantly try to avoid discomfort, there is no growth because you’re not teaching yourself how to wade through it, you’re not learning anything, you’re always just trying to find another way out, and often the only way to learn to get better at something is to face it head-on.

The experience, the challenge, the diversity, the pain, all of it.

And yes, it will be hard, and you won’t know what to do, and it will seem dark and lonely, yet it is a powerful transformation if you can just hold on and withstand it, and it pays huge dividends for your future.

Because as you get stronger your capacity to hold more does, your ability to handle bigger stuff grows, your resistance builds and that is a powerful gift for calling in that which you desire.

Because if you want big things you must learn to become capable of holding them or they won’t come or they’ll slip through your fingers ever so quickly.

It’s in your capacity to be able to hold the discomfort, to wade through the challenge, that you become able to hold more of what you desire.

Your container grows with each challenge you face and work through, without fear.

We are doing a live 3-day event in our Facebook community, “Coding Your Destiny”. Be sure to join us in the group for the live event starting Thursday 16th December 5:30 am AEST, you can find out more and join us HERE 

Much Love

Loretta 🖤