Learn to identify when you are triggered, take notice of when this arises within, then sit in the discomfort of that trigger without the need to react. Let’s start with understanding what a trigger is?
Simply put it is a negative emotional charge from a real or perceived event, and we can use these to learn about the unhealed parts within us.
There is so much wisdom that can be revealed in the process of sitting with our triggers, as you can use it as an inquiry into what is really going on for you underneath the surface, rather than projecting it outwardly by way of anger, frustration, attacking, criticism or similar.
We can learn so much about ourselves when we lean into our triggers, asking, why am I triggered in this situation? Why am I angry or frustrated, or whatever the negative emotion that is coming up for you? What are you trying to tell me? What is unhealed within me in this situation?
These are very powerful questions we can ask ourselves when we are in a triggered state. When we sit in the discomfort and ask ourselves these questions so much can be revealed to us, and it’s never really what we initially think it is.
When we shine a light on what’s really hidden below the surface we give it a chance to be seen and heard which is all it ever really wanted anyway, a cry for help, to be acknowledged, nurtured, and loved.
When we give time for our triggers to really speak to us, we give them a chance to transform and that is where the healing begins because it’s in that space we give the unhealed parts of us a chance to heal.
Whilst we continue to let them run without consciously interrupting the pattern we let them run havoc in our lives, we hurt others and manifest more internal guilt, and shame.
Today, when you feel any negative emotion come up from a perceived external event ask yourself, what do you want me to know here? What are you trying to tell me?
Give yourself a chance to heal.
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Much Love
Loretta Morgan
P.S To learn more about this process, and the path to self-mastery you can join our 12-month self-mastery mentorship program HERE
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