The world is a reflection of what is inside of you.
If you are constantly facing aggression, adversity, and resistance, you are failing to take notice of your internal world.
You’re either dismissing it altogether or blaming the external world.
This is a message to look within.
If we look upon the world as a blessing, the gift of experience, and a loving heart and mind, this will be reflected back to us.
We are only faced with resistance, aggression, and adversity in the world when we hold these experiences within ourselves.
It’s natural that we feel we want to project these feelings onto the world, that we want to blame the external. However, when we look within we find that’s is where the shift starts.
Love within is projected outwardly and creates love without.
Whilst we continue to buy into the story to play the victim to it, we will continue to stay stuck in this holding pattern of what shows up. This adversity is a message to look within ourselves.
You can try all you like to push back, to change the external but until you heal and shift what is within you, you will carry it wherever you go.
New places, people, and things won’t fix it, they will just continue to reflect back to you the unhealthy parts within.
When we take ownership of this, that is where the healing begins.
This is where radical self-reflection and honesty come into play, where we leave our ego at the door and sit with ourselves, and choose to release rather than projected outwardly.
When we choose love, love chooses us. This is no room for anything else that is not a vibrational match for that.
Much Love
Loretta Morgan
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