The first question we posit is, do you value yourself? What we mean is sit with this question for a bit, tune into your truth, and ask yourself, do you truly value yourself for who you are in this moment, imperfectly perfect as you are?
So many of us say that we value ourselves, however, when challenged we look for validation of our value outside of us, through compliments from others, accolades, possessions, or other things.
The first step in feeling valued is by first valuing yourself, and then providing value from that place.
This is developed through seeing you’re worth and value as within, not without.
Secondly, this is further expanded by the value you give to the world.
You see, if you don’t value yourself first and foremost, then nothing you do will be of any value to you. You will continue to try to do more, and be more, and so on, and it will feel empty, nothing will be enough.
This is because if you don’t value yourself, you don’t see you’re worth, you don’t see that you are enough.
You constantly look for external validation of your value. You see no amount of external validation will replace your own view of your value and worth.
Therefore, seeing your value from within, and learning to love yourself for who you are just as you are is the catalyst for everything else that flows from this space.
Value yourself first, then you will believe you are valuable and therefore feel valued in the world.
It seems counterintuitive, however, for those who constantly strive for more, but feel empty inside, this is what is most likely at the core of it all.
You reach that goal, and nothing, you just set another and another, and each goal achieved feels not enough, empty, meaningless almost.
Maybe you think the next one will make the difference, and it doesn’t.
It’s because you must see your value within yourself first, you must feel whole, to begin with.
Otherwise, all the rest will not be able to fill the void.
Only seeing your self-worth and your own value just as you are will complete this.
When we can stand in our own value we are in a powerful place for others to feel and see our value, it’s the energy of that place that makes our value rock solid, it oozes out of us when we align with that place of truth.
Become before we are, like most things, it all starts from within.
Emotional Freedom Tapping is a technique you can use to help you connect with your value and self-worth. To watch the instructional video, and download the tapping template, click here:
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