Many of us have learned to abandon ourselves so we don’t have to experience negative feelings. This practice of self-abandonment has created so much disconnection in the world.

We have become fearful of confronting our emotions because they are intense and they feel uncomfortable.

So we disconnect from ourselves and others, so we don’t have to feel it.

It’s an avoidance strategy to help us feel safe. Unfortunately, being disconnected creates far more havoc in our lives than if we just allowed ourselves to really drop into connection with ourselves and others.

Disconnection creates miscommunication within and without, missed opportunities, lack of depth to our lives and our relationships.

We wander around our lives like we are watching a movie, not being the character.

Our experiences become surface level, and superficial.

When we cut ourselves off from ourselves and others, we block off all the good also.

When we don’t slow ourselves to feel the depths of emotions, we miss out on the experience of the happiness, love, and abundance we could have in life.

Disconnect from one, you disconnect t from all.

This is a coping mechanism we learned to avoid feeling intense emotions when we were young.

So how do we reconnect with ourselves?

Through sitting with and facing discomfort.

Engaging in breathwork, and movement like yoga or qigong.

Activities that have us connect back into our bodies and ourselves, therefore reconnecting with the world around us.

This helps us become more mindful of the lives we are living, including our decisions, and what is going on around us, therefore making more conscious choices and living more fulfilling lives.

Our resources and tools are designed to help you identify and understand why you might be feeling like you do, and deliver strategies to help you navigate challenges.

If you find our tools and techniques helpful, please share and invite others to join our community.

You can join us here. Heal Your Heart Support Group

Much Love 

Loretta 🖤

P.S.  Check out our emotional freedom technique, which helps you to reconnect with yourself, and free up intense emotions HERE

P.P.S Matrix Reimprinting is a technique you can use to help you uncover sabotaging patterns and beliefs, and help you imprint healthy patterns that support your wellbeing.   To check out the free training on clearing your blocks to success, and discover Matrix reimprinting, click HERE