The capacity to which you can hold your energetic container solid is the capacity you can manifest everything you desire.

The adversity you are experiencing right now is showing you a lesson in resilience, in holding the line, testing your boundaries, and asking you to demonstrate how you can keep yourself together through it all.

We must learn to hold big energy, if we want to upgrade to the next level, to have and achieve big things in life, it’s our training ground.

The question is, will you move through it with grace, or will you crumble under the pressure?

Take a look at the adversity that you’re facing as a chance to hone your skills. Where you are going there is no room for victims, only warriors.

Your destination requires you to keep your sh!t together, which means: 

  • Processing your emotions
  • Holding your composure when activated
  • Responding from non-reactive space
  • Withstanding immense pressure without buckling
  • Holding strong on boundaries and values
  • Speaking up for what’s in alignment for you.

Holding it all together

  • Mentally
  • Physically
  • Emotionally
  • Spiritually

All departments of life are in check.

This will be one of the most challenging things you will have to face. You will sometimes feel like you are losing your mind, that you can’t take anymore, that you want to give up.  I know, I have felt it, and continue to feel it every time I want to expand.

The expansion will require an investment from you, which is facing your fears, and feeling all of it without reaction.

Feel the feelings, and breathe, let them move through you, and take time out to sit with them, allowing them to pass.

Ask yourself, what are you asking of me here, what are you showing me, and how do I need to transform to increase my capacity.

Become quiet and confident, and hold a non-reactive space.

This is a big ask, I know, and will require your full attention to self-mastery, but the rewards far out way the discomfort.

A few strategies to help you move through the discomfort are:

  • Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT)
  • Breath-work
  • Yoga
  • Qigong
  • Mediation

These mindfulness strategies help you center yourself by focusing on the breath, the body, and dropping into the presence of the now.

If you’d like to learn more about how to hold your space through adversity, please reach out.

Our resources and tools are designed to help you identify and understand why you might be feeling like you do, and deliver strategies to help you navigate challenges.

If you find our tools and techniques helpful, please share and invite others to join our community.

You can join us here. Heal Your Heart Support Group

Much Love 

Loretta 🖤

P.S.  Check out our emotional freedom technique, which helps you to reconnect with yourself, and free up intense emotions HERE

P.P.S Matrix Reimprinting is a technique you can use to help you uncover sabotaging patterns and beliefs, and help you imprint healthy patterns that support your wellbeing.   To check out the free training on clearing your blocks to success, and discover Matrix reimprinting, click HERE