Everyone has their own stuff to work on, no one is immune to it.
Each person will either admit they’ve got stuff to work or they will deny it, pretend it’s not there and push it down. Often this results in convincing themselves they are healed or projecting onto others, finding fault, and laying judgment.
Many fear facing their stuff because it’s confronting, and painful, however, it holds the keys to unlocking so much potential, and abundance in our lives.
It’s in our ability to own our stuff that we can work through it and shift it, therefore improving our relationships and overall outcomes in life.
If we continue to deny what’s going on inside us, it will manifest in other ways both internally and externally. There is an energy to incongruence. WE know it (even if we deny it), and others pick up on it, without a word said. It vibrates loudly, what’s in the subconscious, become in the consciousness of the world around us, sabotaging, repeating patterns, and causing disruption in life.
When we allow that which is sitting within the subconscious to be brought into conscious awareness, we firstly give it air time, we acknowledge it, and that’s the first part of the healing process. When we acknowledge something is there, and bring it into the light, we then have the ability to become accepting of it, often saying, okay it is what it is, what’s next. Then when we accept, we give ourselves the chance to change, let go, forgive and move on.
The longer we suppress or deny what is hiding underneath the surface, the more pain and suffering we bring, we keep ourselves stuck in patterns that aren’t serving us and we become angry, resentful, and closed off to the abundance life can offer us.
Additionally, unresolved pain causes disease mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, which is often medicated with maladaptive strategies and dysfunctional behaviors to numb, avoid, or blame.
Awareness and acceptance is the start of the journey to freedom and peace.
Happy to walk with you if you’d like to reach out and start bringing to the surface that which is sitting underneath BOOK HERE
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Much Love
Loretta 🖤
P.S. Check out our emotional freedom technique, which helps you to reconnect with yourself, and free up intense emotions HERE
P.P.S Matrix Reimprinting is a technique you can use to help you uncover sabotaging patterns and beliefs, and help you imprint healthy patterns that support your wellbeing. To check out the free training on clearing your blocks to success, and discover Matrix reimprinting, click HERE
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