If you’re in a position and don’t know what to do, wait.
When shit is flying at you from all angles and you feel stuck and trapped, this is an indication that you are about to go through a massive shift.
If you’re feeling stuck, like your back is against the wall, just wait.
Maybe you’re unmotivated or not seeing any real point to anything, feeling like giving up.
Faced with surmounting pressures and challenges where you simply cannot see a way out?
Sound familiar?
Just be patient and remain in a nonreactive space as you are going through a shift. It will take some time and it may feel a little uncomfortable and confronting.
Remain still and wait to come out the other side with a new level of understanding and inspiration.
When we learn to ride the waves of emotions, we become empowered in our lives. It’s a learned skill that requires practice for mastery.
I know it seems hard right now with all you face, frustrating that you don’t seem to have the answers, stuck in limbo so to speak feeling like there is no way forward.
Let go and trust that the steps will be revealed, just relax and release the pressure of trying to fix what you cannot fix right now.
It’s going to be perfectly okay, all will be revealed in time.
Patience now, my love, as you go on with your day.
Don’t latch onto your emotions, just wait.
When you allow the space to just be and let the rest drop away, you create the space for your intuition to drop in.
When we are in panic and overwhelm, we have no space for anything else, we are in fear.
That places us in our fight or flight response. No wisdom comes from that space.
We must learn to regulate our nervous system first and then we can allow our intuition to speak to us.
It’s connecting back into ourselves, mind, body, and soul.
When we are disconnected from ourselves, we don’t make wise choices.
So if you are frazzled right now, confused about what to do, or overwhelmed, just wait, calm your system and then wait for the guidance to flow.
Try these things to assist you:
Ta Chi
Breath Work
And if you’d like a little help, you can BOOK HERE
Our resources and tools are designed to help you identify and understand why you might be feeling like you do, and deliver strategies to help you navigate challenges.
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Much Love
Loretta 🖤
P.S. Check out our emotional freedom technique, which helps you to reconnect with yourself, and free up intense emotions HERE
P.P.S Matrix Reimprinting is a technique you can use to help you uncover sabotaging patterns and beliefs, and help you imprint healthy patterns that support your wellbeing. To check out the free training on clearing your blocks to success, and discover Matrix reimprinting, click HERE
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