I see you defeated, angry, and alone.

Feeling like you’ve been blind-sighted, yet knowing deep within this was coming.

Shattered to your very core, feeling like the walls are caving in.

What to do? You’re feeling so alone and exhausted.

I’ve been there, and many of us in this community have experienced excruciating pain and suffering at the hands of someone we loved and gave all of ourselves to, and just maybe upon reflection, it was self-sabotage all along. 

Yet that’s why we are all gathered here to heal our hearts.

And now as you turn the page on all that was, and move into the next chapter of all that’s possible for your life, it’s time to start rebuilding yourself, repairing all the damage that has been done.

Accepting life as it is now, as we know it to be, and finding a way through.

Picking all the pieces of yourself up and putting them all back together, but differently this time, you’re not the same, and never will be, and that’s a good thing because you don’t want more of the same.  You have and are becoming someone else, a newer and improved version.

Because this time you are reassembling yourself from the foundations up.  Installing strong values, rediscovering your self-worth, setting boundaries, and never being afraid to hold them.

The suffering you have been through has cracked you open, making you realise what you want for your life, for yourself, and opening you up to new possibilities.

Don’t let your suffering choke you into submitting, to settling, to giving up, or to latching onto your hatred and unforgivness. Don’t let it keep you hiding in your shadows.

Let your pain show you what needs to be healed, what’s not working, and show you what you do want for your life.  Let it burst you open to love.

Let it be your guide in showing you what needs to shift and let it lift you up and move you into the most powerful and loving version of yourself.

And if you are feeling all of this right now, all the depths of your pain and suffering, lost on what to do and a way forward, we are here to help you through, to help you find yourself, and the path that is meant for you.

All it takes is to step through your fear, and a commitment to loving yourself, and doing the work.

And when you’re ready, we are here.  You can BOOK IN HERE

Our resources and tools are designed to help you identify and understand why you might be feeling like you do, and deliver strategies to help you navigate challenges.

If you find our tools and techniques helpful, please share and invite others to join our community.

You can join us here. Heal Your Heart Support Group

Much Love 

Loretta 🖤

P.S.  Check out our emotional freedom technique, which helps you to reconnect with yourself, and free up intense emotions HERE

P.P.S Matrix Reimprinting is a technique you can use to help you uncover sabotaging patterns and beliefs, and help you imprint healthy patterns that support your wellbeing.   To check out the free training on clearing your blocks to success, and discover Matrix reimprinting, click HERE