Everything in life must have balance. When there is an imbalance, we experience internal and external disruption and dysfunction.
As a result of this imbalance, our health and well-being suffer, our careers, relationships, and so on.
When we are out of balance in one area, we throw ourselves out in other areas.
For example, if we have no flexibility, we will experience struggles in this area, such as too rigid boundaries provide for conflict, which can become maladaptive in our relationships. The same applies to too much flexibility and a lack of boundaries. Whilst it’s great to have boundaries, sometimes flexibility is advantageous, it’s all about balance.
You may notice this in your own life. When you go to one extreme in an area, this can throw us off balance. An example of this in my own life is when I have over-trained, not allowing myself downtime (as I can be an overachiever), this can lead to burnout, therefore limiting our capacity to perform at all (one extreme to the next).
This example shows us why it is so important to maintain balance in everything we do, not to overdo it, and to recognise where we might be doing this in our lives, and bring ourselves back to an equilibrium, or a “happy medium”, so to speak.
Make an assessment of your own life, where you might be out of balance. What can you do to bring more balance back into your life?
Are you working too much? Maybe introducing some downtime, such as relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, reading, or time for forest bathing. Or maybe enjoying some leisure time with family and friends to bring more play into your life.
Whatever it is for you, if you are noticing you are overdoing it in one area, have a look at some simple things you can do to bring you back into balance.
And, of course, as always, if you need a little help, please reach out for an individual plan to suit your needs. BOOK IN HERE
We talked about this topic in our Facebook community. You can watch the replay HERE
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Warm Regards
Loretta 🖤
P.S. Check out our emotional freedom technique, which helps you to reconnect with yourself, and free up intense emotions HERE
P.P.S Matrix Reimprinting is a technique you can use to help you uncover sabotaging patterns and beliefs, and help you imprint healthy patterns that support your wellbeing. To check out the free training on clearing your blocks to success, and discover Matrix reimprinting, click HERE
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