Have you ever asked yourself, why am I crying for no reason? Did you know that this can often be an emotional release of emotions that have been stored in the body?
Emotions that are not processed can get stored in the body.
When we work on the somatic aspect, meaning, working out our bodies such as through Breathwork, Yoga, Qigong, and other activities that are physical, this can help us work on releasing emotions that have been stored in the body. Sometimes these emotions have been stored for a really long time, and often we are unable to label them.
When we are doing this somatic work on ourselves, we can often experience crying, sobbing or similar during our practice for no apparent reason.
When we start this process, we will often try to label it. For example, I am crying because…., and then what happens is we often get frustrated when we can’t give a reason. This is because we have learned to label things, and therefore, consciously, we expect there must be a reason for it, therefore assigning judgement to it.
The best thing we can do is acknowledge that it is there, and allow it to be released without judgement.
Relax and release, allow it to flow instead of tensing up and taking your mind off the job of releasing.
Our muscles and connective tissues bond and tense up and hold onto energy in our body that needs to be released. When we try to stop it or name it, then it continues to be trapped in our bodies, causing havoc in our system.
So next time you are having a cry, just let it go, relax and release, no need to put a label on it.
And, of course, as always, if you need a little help, please reach out for an individual plan to suit your needs. You can BOOK IN HERE
We talked about this topic in our Facebook community. You can watch the replay HERE
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Warm Regards
Loretta 🖤
P.S. Check out our emotional freedom technique, which helps you to reconnect with yourself, and free up intense emotions HERE
P.P.S Matrix Reimprinting is a technique you can use to help you uncover sabotaging patterns and beliefs, and help you imprint healthy patterns that support your well-being. To check out the free training on clearing your blocks to success, and discover Matrix reimprinting, click HERE
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