Sometimes the very thing you know you need to do, the hardest and most painful thing is the very thing that is best for you. 

It’s often the one thing that we hold onto or have so much resistance around letting go that we must let go of.

We feel we need to hold onto it to validate some need within us however it’s the one thing that is usually so toxic to our well-being.

Whether it be holding onto resentment, a belief about ourselves, a relationship or changing a behaviour.

These will always be the things that we find so hard to do, to let go of, it’s usually the catalyst to everything we want to achieve.

It’s that one key that unlocks everything.

That one thing you know within you that you have to do to reach the level of success, of freedom, of peace you desire but you continue to just ignore it.  You bury it deep within you, deny its existence or pretend it doesn’t matter.

Oh, but it does, it is the one thing that you know unlocks everything for you if you just choose to let it go, to release it.

It rears its ugly head every so often, reminding you it’s there, sending you into a spin, spiralling you out of control.

You don’t have a handle on it at all, you just think you do, it’s sabotaging all the good you are doing, all the progress you’re making.

It holds a little place inside of you and you know it’s always there, you can feel the hole it leaves, no matter how much you hide it, YOU KNOW ITS THERE.

You don’t need it; you are strong without it, whatever that thing is for you.





Whatever it is, you know it’s there and you have to let it go for your own well-being, for your own peace, success, and happiness.

You’re going to have to deal with it eventually, you can’t avoid it forever.

You’re betraying yourself for not listing to your inner voice, for putting up and pretending that you’re okay.

How loud does it have to shout before you’ll listen?

I know you want to keep it because on some level it makes you feel safe, and in control, but that’s a false sense of security you have there.

Every time it comes out, shows its ugly head, does it make you feel safe and in control then? 

What are you going to choose, to live incongruently, live with the pain and the lies your telling yourself or will you finally set yourself free and live a full and aligned life?

Warm regards


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Warm regards

Loretta and the Team at Hybrid Healing 🖤

P.S. Check out our emotional freedom technique, which helps you to reconnect with yourself, and free up intense emotions HERE

P.P.S Matrix Reimprinting is a technique you can use to help you uncover sabotaging patterns and beliefs, and help you imprint healthy patterns that support your well-being.  To check out the free training on clearing your blocks to success, and discover Matrix reimprinting, click HERE