The overconsumption of content and the underlying messages around why we might be doing this.
Time for a little Self-Assessment…
With today’s online world, now more than ever, it’s easy to access information online, especially with current events it seems everybody’s online, and there’s just so much content.
It can take you down a rabbit hole that can be difficult to get out of, that when you start looking at one particular area of content, it can take you on this journey and that keeping you stuck in a vortex of information overload.
If this is you, ask yourself, these 3 questions:
- What am I looking for?
- What am I running from?
- What am I avoiding?
Often the consumption of digital content can become an addiction that causes information overload sending you into stress and overwhelm. This is often the byproduct of something deeper than the information you seek.
So I’ll share with you a quick strategy that has helped me to manage my consumption of digital content that may help you navigate the endless sea of content and avoid information overload which leads to stress, overwhelm and anxiety getting you nowhere fast.
Whenever you’re getting ready to go online, signing up for an email, jumping into an online group, liking a page or any of those sorts of activities, like anything we tackle in life we should have a clear objective.
Ask yourself what is the outcome that I’m looking for here? What is it that I’m hoping to achieve and is this leading me closer to or further away from my purpose?
I think it’s really important to have a really clear objective when tackling anything and this should be no different when we are going online and consuming digital content.
If you are a little bit lost finding your purpose certainly happy to speak into this if you want to hit me up for a private session around getting clear on where it is that you’re going.
This is something that I really struggled with for a long time, so I’m certainly not immune to this.
I’ve been in multiple groups had emails flooding my inbox day to day, and it just got so overwhelming as I’m sure you can appreciate that I had to take a step back, recalibrate and get clear on my objectives.
What I see is happening at the moment is there is a lot of free content, a lot of courses being released for free, complimentary this thing and that, people are signing up for so much they are getting extremely overwhelmed, lost in the sea of information and getting nowhere. I am sure there is a bit of FOMO (fear of missing out) on the free stuff too.
So set yourself a clear strategy, maybe something like this:
- Why do I need to go online, what do I hope to achieve?
- How long will I spend online?
- What information do I specifically need?
This framework will help you to set a clear directive to keep you on track so you don’t go down that information rabbit hole.
We invite you to come and join us in our support community, where we gather together with like-minded individuals to share education and information on regulating our nervous system, healing trauma and identifying sabotaging patterns, join here READY TO HEAL YOUR HEART
If you would like a 1:1 Counselling or Coaching Session please book in HERE
Warm regards
Loretta and the Team at Hybrid Healing 🖤
P.S. Check out our emotional freedom technique, which helps you to reconnect with yourself, and free up intense emotions HERE
P.P.S Matrix Reimprinting is a technique you can use to help you uncover sabotaging patterns and beliefs, and help you imprint healthy patterns that support your well-being. To check out the free training on clearing your blocks to success, and discover Matrix reimprinting, click HERE
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