Time Management is always such a hot topic, the number one complaint I hear from people is that I just don’t have time I feel like I’m constantly in a rush and can’t do all the things I want to get done. I feel like everything’s just spinning out of control. I’m overwhelmed. I’m stressed all of those common themes.
I wanted to share with you my thoughts on time management, because I have really been challenged to step up this week and practice what I preach.
The strategies that I use really work well for me to be able to fit in all of the things.
When we get busy trying to do all the things we can start to create this feeling of overwhelm, a lack of time and this causes stress. We start to think that we can’t fit everything in and it’s simply not true.
We just have to work smarter not harder.
What I have found is we waste so much time doing unnecessary tasks that we fill our time mostly with things that are just pure time wasters. We create the busyness; our time is not respected and we waist it. We create an illusion of being busy and in fact we are not.
One strategy that I have had and that works really effectively for me is to chunk down my time and have a look at where I’m actually spending my time.
I do this by looking at my day and making lists of what’s ahead and then doing a recap at the end of the day of what I’ve accomplished and what I did well and what I could have done better.
I am conscious to make sure that I’m only spending time on the things that actually lead me closer to my goal rather than further away. We can get taken off track by so many things that interrupt our day that aren’t necessary.
One of the major things that can take us off track is constantly checking emails, phone and social media replying to different messages that can wait in order in order of priority. Additionally not structuring our time and allowing distractions and interruptions.
Another strategy is going through a process of prioritorisation, have a look at what you need to do throughout the day, reviewing and categorizing the tasks into whether it’s urgent, whether it’s medium, or whether we can get to it later. Make a priority list at the start of each day on what you need to get done now and what can wait. By doing this you will find that you can fit so much more into your day and you’ll become quite surprised about how much time you actually wasted on meaningless or unnecessary things.
You will become more aware of your time and your use of it and you’ll wonder why weren’t doing this all along. Jumping from task to task without any sort of order of priority, lack of list taking and unnecessary time waiting tasks will be a thing of the past.
When you become really focused on what it is that you want to accomplish out of your day and then making sure that you’re doing the tasks that are in alignment with those specific goals, you become more refined and more focused on what it is that you want to accomplish.
One more strategy that I have found useful to help avoid a whole heap of stuff floating around in our head, like thoughts, tasks, things to accomplish which creates overwhelm is to write them all down. I know that this seems fairly elementary, we know we should do it however we don’t. This can create so much overwhelm and disorder in our minds that creates this sense of dizziness creates a overwhelm and unnecessary stress.
When we write lists, when we chunk things down and prioritize things this helps us to declutter our minds and get more clarity around where we want to go and what we want to do. This helps us to fit more when we have more space in our mind we have more space in our lives.
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Warm regards
Loretta and the Team at Hybrid Healing 🖤
P.S. Check out our emotional freedom technique, which helps you to reconnect with yourself, and free up intense emotions HERE
P.P.S Matrix Reimprinting is a technique you can use to help you uncover sabotaging patterns and beliefs, and help you imprint healthy patterns that support your well-being. To check out the free training on clearing your blocks to success, and discover Matrix reimprinting, click HERE
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