Such a powerful topic and one that I want to share as I believe it can really help us to create awareness around how we show up in the world and what we receive in return, and that is accountability.
So, what do I mean by accountability? This is personal accountability on how we want to design our businesses, careers and lives, what we put out and what we ultimately get back.
I have worked with many people who want more out of their businesses, careers and relationships or whatever it is for them. They want their businesses and lives to be a certain way, however, they don’t really set themselves up to allow that to come in. They’ll say they want things a particular way, yet they won’t keep themselves accountable to that benchmark, often always failing to keep themselves accountable.
An example of this might be when you want to have more balance in your life, however, you are unwilling to do want it takes to hold yourself and others accountable to upkeeping that balance. You might be continually replying to emails or messages on your days off, or accepting interruptions when you have told people your busy, this is just sabotage and will not lead you closer to your goals. So, in order to have that work/life balance you seek, you must keep yourself accountable to this goal, you want to make sure that you’re not overworking yourself and that you are keeping yourself in check around the hours that you work, you might want to have the weekends off or you may want to make sure that you’re not on your phone between say, five and eight at night or whatever that looks like for you, you might even like to have a half a day off on particular days, or you may only want to work a specific amount of hours. So, if you want to make that happen it’s important you set it up that way and therefore the hours that you do work you must ensure you’re really productive in those hours, that you’re not wasting any time and that you’re setting the boundaries around your work/life and holding those (keeping yourself and others accountable).
This is why boundaries are so important, but wants even more critical here is our ability to hold ourselves and others accountable to those boundaries. Where we put ourselves and what we want first, where we say what we mean to ourselves and others, where we become a living example of how to show up in a congruent way.
So, if you say you only want to work, say, four or five hours a day, then don’t be checking emails or responding to messages or working outside of those hours, if you say you want to do that thing then do it, mean what you say.
Keep yourself accountable to the boundaries you set for yourself and others and you will build confidence in yourself and others and bonus you will have more self-confidence and self-respect.
If we are showing people how to behave in a particular way and our behavior is different from that, those individuals see that, and ultimately, they will lead by that example, if you don’t respect yourself then others won’t respect you.
If you are not accountable to yourself why would anyone else be accountable to you?
The same goes for if we want specific boundaries around how we like to live our lives, how we want people to treat us and how we want our clients or customers to behave, then we need to make sure that we’re holding that boundary firm, which means that we practice what we preach, we behave in that way then that behavior is displayed back to us.
When we set our boundaries and are clear on what our expectations are and we’re willing to hold those expectations to keep ourselves accountable to those boundaries to those expectations our relationships flourish.
So many fail to hold clear boundaries, to hold themselves and others accountable to those boundaries and therefore keep getting results they don’t want, often saying they want one thing and then displaying behavior in an entirely different way.
When we hold firm on our own personal accountability, and that of the people that we are surrounded by we get more of what we want and less of what we don’t want, we’re holding the integrity of our own personal container, which means that when we say we want something, we behave in that way, and we expect that in return, and we’re not moving outside of the parameters of that, this sets us up for more ease and flow. We become a magnet for that which we want and our container becomes solid.
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Warm regards
Loretta and the Team at Hybrid Healing 🖤
P.S. Check out our emotional freedom technique, which helps you to reconnect with yourself, and free up intense emotions HERE
P.P.S Matrix Reimprinting is a technique you can use to help you uncover sabotaging patterns and beliefs, and help you imprint healthy patterns that support your well-being. To check out the free training on clearing your blocks to success, and discover Matrix reimprinting, click HERE
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