The need to be perfect in my experience can often hold us back in so many things in business and life.
I want to share with you why perfection is never going happen and why you just need to be happy with being perfectly imperfect and why that’s perfectly okay.
There’s so much need for perfection in the world right now sending many into really unhealthy patterns, we see so much of this in the media. The constant feed of seeming perfection. Perfect bodies, perfect makeup, perfect businesses, perfect profile, perfect homes, perfect cars, perfect, perfect, perfect….
This sets an unrealistic benchmark, we believe that we have to have perfection in all things to be perfect in the way that we present ourselves in everything that we do in our business, in our relationships and if we get this wrong, if we can’t meet this perfect benchmark we will be a failure, we feel like we’re not good enough, then this feeling of self-loathing comes up.
What often happens is if we feel that we’re not perfect, we don’t step out, we don’t put ourselves out there, we don’t take the action because we’re too busy trying to focus on getting everything perfect before we take that big leap, and so it just holds us back.
It holds us back in action, it holds us back in our relationships, it holds us back in our self-love, our self-belief and in our self-confidence.
We buy into the FEAR of being not good enough, of being judged.
In my experience, it’s actually accepting that we are imperfectly perfect and just taking that leap, taking that action, and to trust that we will develop ourselves along the way and that it’s perfect to go ahead right now.
Trusting yourself enough that you will make the adjustments as you go along, that you’ll make the mistakes, that you will trip up but that you will just adjust yourself and keep going.
Trust that it’s all part of the process of becoming who we’re meant to be, becoming experienced, expert, masters in all the things that we’re trying to accomplish, whether it’s business, relationships, or just life in general.
It’s a natural part of becoming great, we show up and we make mistakes, we get up dust ourselves off and go again. How do you think babies learned to walk? They didn’t just give up every time they fell down, did they?
We have this illusion that it needs to be perfect in order for us to take that leap to put ourselves out there, in my mind, there’s just no such thing as getting it perfect.
Often what we do to ourselves is we think we reach a certain level of perfection, and then we analyze it, and then we realize that it’s not perfect, so we hold back and try to make an adjustment and rewrite or represent or retake that photo or retake that video or redo that thing and we get stuck in the perfection vortex.
I think it’s beautiful that we can step out and present something that has that element of authenticity, that element of realness, that element of imperfect perfection because that’s what makes us all unique, that’s what makes us have that special “US” element, that authentic touch that special message.
From my experience stepping out without having all your ducks in a row, without feeling like you have to be this picture of perfection without feeling like you need to measure up to all of the unrealistic expectations of the world is empowering.
It’s just a matter of saying to yourself “you know what, I’m perfect just the way I am, and I am happy with that and what’s more, I’m going to step out and I’m going to give this thing a go and I’m going to adjust along the way. I’m going to make mistakes and adjust, I’m going to trip and fall and I’m going to get up again”
It’s in our ability to take the steps and put ourselves out there when it’s not perfect that gives us the opportunity to take in the experience and the experiences, the parts that helps us reach mastery that helps us get better that helps us become experts and masters in whatever we do, whether it’s relationships, whether it’s business.
Perfection is an unrealistic benchmark, if you’re trying to reach perfection before you put yourself out there, then it’s going to hold you back from taking the action. Stop falling back onto excuses that it’s not perfect, that it’s not right yet, it’s not ready yet or I’m not ready yet.
We’re all actually perfect just the way that we are, unique in our individuality and our little trip-ups, in the quirky things that we do it all just adds to the element of our authenticity and our uniqueness.
So, if you’re feeling right now that you can’t put yourself out there or you’re holding yourself back because of this need of perfection, this need to be perfect, this fear of judgment, from my experience, not everything is as it seems, there are always layers underneath the seemingly perfect.
The constant adjustment that needs to happen and whilst it looks perfect on the outside, there’s all this other stuff that’s going on behind the scenes that’s not reflective of what’s being shown on the outside.
Show up as you are, imperfectly perfect is perfectly fine and just really enjoy the experience of stepping out and giving things ago and tripping up and learning and adjusting and building that mastery.
What you will find is it will feel much more rewarding, and you will feel like you’ll accomplish much more, and you’ll move further along your progress more quickly, rather than sitting back and thinking and judging and worrying about it not being perfect.
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Warm regards
Loretta and the Team at Hybrid Healing 🖤
P.S. Check out our emotional freedom technique, which helps you to reconnect with yourself, and free up intense emotions HERE
P.P.S Matrix Reimprinting is a technique you can use to help you uncover sabotaging patterns and beliefs, and help you imprint healthy patterns that support your well-being. To check out the free training on clearing your blocks to success, and discover Matrix reimprinting, click HERE
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