One of the main goals we all want to achieve is happiness. Happiness is a state of being, it’s not a destination that we get to. It’s not something that can be bought or accumulated externally.

In my experience, happiness is an inside job, and most importantly, that it’s a state of allowing ourselves to be happy.

Our world is consumed with so much drama, everyone around us is buying into drama. There is the negative self-talk, gossip in our social circles, stories in the media, and so on. I could go on about the amount of drama that is swirling around us on a minute by minute basis, from what we view on the TV, to social media to when we go out and experience other people.

What we really crave is happiness and in order to achieve that what we really need to manage is our internal state of being and make the choice that we want to be happy.

This is just choosing to flick a switch on our beliefs and values to that of pure abundance and positivity. Deciding that you want to be in a state of happiness and making a choice to stay there and confirming that we’re not going to buy into any drama.

What generally happens though is when we get there, to that state of happiness, we doubt it, we don’t allow ourselves to stay there. It feels foreign so we sabotage it.

When we finally get to that optimal state of being that we’ve worked so hard to get to, you know, we’ve done all the things to manage vibration, our thoughts, our feelings, the way that we speak to get to that state of happiness, we then start to look for things to take us away from that feeling. It’s habitual, we look for the familiar, we question that we can’t possibly stay in an optimal state of happiness.

We start looking for that drama again and looking for that negativity and looking for those things to switch us out of that state of being and that state of happiness we’ve worked so hard to achieve.

As I mentioned before happiness is an inside job, nothing external in my experience can bring us to a state of happiness, we need to be happy first, allowing happiness is just a choice.

It’s our ability to hold happiness as our state of being, our primary vibration, and allowing that state of happiness to be our dominant state and then maintaining it until it becomes our new normal. 

Happiness is work, it starts with a choice to hold happiness as your primary state and then keeping it there against the elements.

Happiness creates more of everything yet so many find it so difficult to possess. 

When we learn that happiness is totally within our ability to accomplish at any moment we then realize we hold all our power within us.

Much Love


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