Recognising your shadow is one of the first steps in unfolding your path to success.

Your shadow will continue to hold you back whilst you remain asleep to it.

It feeds off hiding in the background of your life, sabotaging your results.

In order to clear it, you must first bring it to the surface to be addressed, shining a light on it so you can transform it.

Your shadow is the parts of your psyche that keep you playing small, often developed as poor coping strategies and belief systems.

It shows up as the one that makes the excuses, plays the victim, expects everything to be handed to them, acts like a child, and drops their standards and values to get something in return.

This collective of shadows subconsciously plays havoc with your life unless you identify each of them, how they are playing out in your life, and then work on each one to eradicate them altogether.

Often these shadows will continue to play out underneath the surface, and you’ll be left wondering why things never seem to work out, or why you have failed relationship, after relationship, or why you keep going in cyclic patterns of loss and gains, and why nothing seems stable.

If you start paying attention to how these shadows are showing up in your life, and work on eliminating these shadows one by one until they no longer have power over you, you can transform your life.

Step into your power and create the future you are dreaming of, the first part is to recognise the shadows, the second to shine a light on it, and the third is to transform it.

If you want some help with this process you can reach out HERE.

Much Love 
