Truth will correct all errors in my mind – A Course In Miracles

What is truth?

It is the foundation upon which you stand, and it is where you build your life upon.

By standing in your truth you honour yourself, and your needs, beliefs, and values, this is where your individuation flourishes.

When you abandon or deny your truth, you are slowly disintegrating your self worth, your faith in yourself.

You’re essentially saying to yourself, I am not worthy of speaking up, having my needs met, or setting boundaries.

You are choosing suppression or someone else’s reality, and this is simply not healthy for your wellbeing long term.

This hiding of your truth is a learned behaviour, often developed in childhood when others have told us we didn’t matter, or that we must remain quiet. 

This is a lack of self honour.

Whilst some of this learning is healthy, and for our own wellbeing, and protection, much of it is often toxic, and can set us up for poor strategies moving forward.  For example, fear of not standing in our truth, where we find ourselves stuffing everything down, and staying quiet, therefore putting our needs aside, and allowing our boundaries to be violated.  We learn to hide our truth, therefore failing to speak up, or agreeing to something that is not aligned. 

We fear losing another, if we speak up.  We learned that hiding our truth keeps the peace, keeps us loved and safe.  Going along with things would keep everything in our control, but in doing so we lose ourselves in the process.

It diminishes our self-worth, and self-respect, we lose our identity, and our overall wellbeing in life.

It takes courage to stand in your truth, and own your individuality, to speak up and illuminate your needs, values and boundaries, and protect them.  

Truth is where your power lies, it’s in holding the energy of your truth that you can really come into yourself. 

If this is something that is confronting or even scary to you, we get it.  It’s like a muscle, it takes time to own your truth, step by step, little by little you can start to teach yourself how to assertively stand in the power of your truth.

Behind the truth lies your power, by releasing it, you release yourself. By letting go of the fear of what you think you will lose you gain everything. 

The truth allows you to step into who you really are, the truth to yourself, and the truth of what you need, and what you stand for to others.

The truth is a gift of love, both to yourself, and others.

Our resources and tools are designed to help you identify and understand why you might be feeling like you do, and deliver strategies to help you navigate challenges.

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Much Love 

Loretta 🖤

P.S.  Check out our emotional freedom technique, which helps you to reconnect with yourself, and free up intense emotions HERE

P.P.S Matrix Reimprinting is a technique you can use to help you uncover sabotaging patterns and beliefs, and help you imprint healthy patterns that support your wellbeing.   To check out the free training on clearing your blocks to success, and discover Matrix reimprinting, click HERE