We must work beyond the ego to tap into the true self, the one beyond: 

  • Judgement
  • Resentment
  • Fear
  • Criticism 
  • Blame

To truly experience the depth of relationships we must be prepared to let go of our ego, to listen, observe and understand the dynamics.

To shine a light on what patterns are playing out within each individual this takes two conscious beings that are both prepared to let go of all the preconceived judgements to see love, peace, understanding, patience and high-level communication and consciousness.

To look beyond the patterns and the masks.

Relationships can only evolve if two individuals are prepared to invest in themselves and in understanding each other.  Blame, criticism, defensiveness, and judgement must be put aside in order to move forward in love.

Let go of attachement, forgive easily, be tolerant, compliment and see the good in each other.

Relationships are a test of unconditional love and moving forward in faith, leaving the past behind and recommitting to love each and every day.

However, when one is fully invested and the other isn’t this can create toxic cycles, co-dependency and insecure attachments.

Authentic relationships require vulnerability.  

To really be seen and felt we need to allow ourselves to be vulnerable, to show ourselves to another takes extreme courage and faith.

Because there is so much blame and judgement in the world people are so afraid to be vulnerable for fear of feeling shame and guilt or being ridiculed for being who they are and sharing their vulnerabilities.

In a relationship when someone opens up just a little bit and then feels any sort of judgment they will retreat back inside themselves, hiding from the world and choosing to suffer in silence.

This is where we go so wrong in our relationships, people pretending to be okay, when they are not because they fear sharing, being vulnerable, and experiencing guilt, shame, blame, or criticism.

What if we saw another just as an extension of ourselves?  A reflection of what we have within us?  What if we saw them as perfectly imperfect, without judgement, without any label, with compassion and understanding, just as they are?  Another human being, having a unique earthly experience as we are?

And when another has the courage to be vulnerable with us, we allow that space to be non-judgmental and compassionate.  To really drop into that space with them and allow the safety of that place so they can feel comfortable to open up even more, therefore allowing deep healing and connection.

If you want to learn the tools and techniques to drop into that space, please reach out.

We invite you to come and join us in our support community, where we gather together with like-minded individuals to share education and information on regulating our nervous system, healing trauma and identifying sabotaging patterns. Join here READY TO HEAL YOUR HEART

If you would like to experience Matrix Reimprinting for yourself, or if you would like to book a 1:1 Counselling or Coaching Session, please book in HERE

Warm regards

Loretta and the Team at Hybrid Healing 🖤

P.S. Check out our emotional freedom technique for yourself HERE

P.P.S Matrix Reimprinting is a technique you can use to help you uncover sabotaging patterns and beliefs, and help you imprint healthy patterns that support your well-being.  To check out the free training on clearing your blocks to success, and discover Matrix reimprinting, click HERE