by hybrid | Apr 6, 2022 | Healing, Mindset, Performance
When we notice someone feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, or disassociated through a response to trauma, they can feel spaced out, not present, stuck in the trauma, frozen, or they might be staring into the distance, eyes looking glazed over, or go into...
by hybrid | Mar 27, 2022 | Healing, Mindset, Performance
Sometimes, when you feel something can’t be fixed, you feel stuck or maybe just confused by it all, often the very thing we need to do is just let it be. Set it down for a little while, allow your nervous system to relax and readjust.It doesn’t mean you have to let...
by hybrid | Feb 3, 2022 | Healing, Mindset, Performance
The world is a reflection of what is inside of you. If you are constantly facing aggression, adversity, and resistance, you are failing to take notice of your internal world. You’re either dismissing it altogether or blaming the external world. This is a message to...
by hybrid | Jan 27, 2022 | Healing, Mindset, Performance
Pain has a funny way of teaching us the things we would otherwise have overlooked. Pain makes us pay attention. It shows us what is not working, what we need to fix. No one likes to feel pain and most try to avoid it all together. Either by: DenialKeeping busyMasking...
by hybrid | Jan 12, 2022 | Healing, Mindset
Learn to identify when you are triggered, take notice of when this arises within, then sit in the discomfort of that trigger without the need to react. Let’s start with understanding what a trigger is? Simply put it is a negative emotional charge from a real or...
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