Building Your Capacity to Hold

Building Your Capacity to Hold

The pain you are feeling is the pain of growth, expansion, and the process of solidifying your container. The more you try to avoid discomfort, the more you will be faced with it, the more challenging it will be for you. Because that which we avoid just continues to...
The Change Begins With You

The Change Begins With You

One thing that has become abundantly clear from my experience in life is that when you feel stuck, you are the one that needs to change. Whenever I have felt like I’ve completely run out of options, cornered in on my life so to speak I’ve looked within.  If you...
How Your Shadows Play Havoc with your Life

How Your Shadows Play Havoc with your Life

Recognising your shadow is one of the first steps in unfolding your path to success. Your shadow will continue to hold you back whilst you remain asleep to it. It feeds off hiding in the background of your life, sabotaging your results. In order to clear it, you must...