Being Honest With Yourself

Being Honest With Yourself

I was having an interesting conversation with my daughter the other day which has prompted me to share this particular topic with you. We were talking about how we need to be honest with ourselves and others, she was having a particular situation at school that...
The Need for Perfection

The Need for Perfection

The need to be perfect in my experience can often hold us back in so many things in business and life.  I want to share with you why perfection is never going happen and why you just need to be happy with being perfectly imperfect and why that’s perfectly okay....
The Sabotaging Consequences of Fear

The Sabotaging Consequences of Fear

How many times have you asked for opportunities to come your way, then when they do without fail you start to look for ways to sabotage the opportunity?  This is not an unfamiliar topic to me and I’m sure many of you have experienced this yourself, or...
Self Belief and Clarity

Self Belief and Clarity

Quite often I have clients come to me and say, I’m not getting the results I want, I’m doing all the things but nothing’s happening, this really boils down to three key points. Number one, you’re not clear on what it is that you want. You...