What is rejection really?

What is rejection really?

It’s just not getting what you want or what you hoped, that thing you expected to come or the desired outcome, right? You feel hurt, betrayed because the thing you expected didn’t turn out the way you wanted it to? You may have reached out and got nothing...
Seeking The Approval of Others.

Seeking The Approval of Others.

Many people seek the approval of others, constantly asking, does this look okay, should I do this, what should I do here. Firstly, seeking the approval of others will never get you what you really want because the answers you seek are within you. Many try to seek the...

Time to uplevel but are you really ready?

Have you recently asked for an up level, or an upgrade to come into your life? Be careful what you wish for. The focus for most of my coaching is to upgrade the client’s consciousness, increase their performance, and clear what’s holding them back.  What I so...
On Letting Go and Moving Forward

On Letting Go and Moving Forward

When we want to make a change, or maybe when we’re forced to make a change through a significant event in our lives we are called to up-level our consciousness. It might be that you’ve had to move home or a relationship has ended or your role in an...