by hybrid | Jan 27, 2022 | Healing, Mindset, Performance
Pain has a funny way of teaching us the things we would otherwise have overlooked. Pain makes us pay attention. It shows us what is not working, what we need to fix. No one likes to feel pain and most try to avoid it all together. Either by: DenialKeeping busyMasking...
by hybrid | Dec 11, 2021 | Healing, Mindset, Performance
The pain you are feeling is the pain of growth, expansion, and the process of solidifying your container. The more you try to avoid discomfort, the more you will be faced with it, the more challenging it will be for you. Because that which we avoid just continues to...
by hybrid | Nov 9, 2021 | Healing, Mindset, Performance
One thing that has become abundantly clear from my experience in life is that when you feel stuck, you are the one that needs to change. Whenever I have felt like I’ve completely run out of options, cornered in on my life so to speak I’ve looked within. If you...
by hybrid | Oct 25, 2021 | Healing, Mindset, Performance
You don’t have to continue down the same destructive miserable path you’ve already gone down. You have a choice to change the direction of your life. Every human on this planet deserves a life of happiness and abundance if that’s what they choose. Just...
by hybrid | Nov 30, 2020 | Healing, Mindset, Performance
We all have times where triggers pop up for us when we’re faced with a situation or a person, these triggers bring about an internal emotional charge, whether it be sadness, irritation, anger, worry or any of those lower-level emotional vibrations that send us...
by hybrid | Nov 25, 2020 | Healing, Mindset, Performance
Gratitude is the process of becoming aware and present with all of which you are blessed with, and, giving thanks for that. Initially, the process may be difficult because of your untrained mind; possibly or more likely you’re unaware of all the things to be grateful...
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