How Your Shadows Play Havoc with your Life

How Your Shadows Play Havoc with your Life

Recognising your shadow is one of the first steps in unfolding your path to success. Your shadow will continue to hold you back whilst you remain asleep to it. It feeds off hiding in the background of your life, sabotaging your results. In order to clear it, you must...
Understanding Grief and How to Navigate it

Understanding Grief and How to Navigate it

Grief is defined as an emotional response to some form of physical or non-physical loss, whether it be a death of a loved one, loss of employment, finances, material possession, or relationship.   There are many theories around the process of grief, including Kubler...
Self Belief and Clarity

Self Belief and Clarity

Quite often I have clients come to me and say, I’m not getting the results I want, I’m doing all the things but nothing’s happening, this really boils down to three key points. Number one, you’re not clear on what it is that you want. You...
Happiness, it’s a Way of Life, you Must Become it.

Happiness, it’s a Way of Life, you Must Become it.

Happiness is often seen as something that comes and goes, dependent on external circumstances such as a promotion, a new relationship, or a luxurious holiday. However, true happiness is not dependent on external circumstances, but rather it is a way of life. It is a...