Terms & Conditions

In this Terms & Conditions, the party who is contracting to receive services shall be referred to as “Client,” and the party who will be providing the services shall be referred to as “Hybrid Group” and it’s related entities.

Relationship of Parties

The Client to the Consultant relationship should be a cordial and agreeable one. If there should be a need for any changes on the terms of the partnership, it is the responsibility of the Client and/or the Consultant to inform the other party immediately so that all issues are addressed accordingly to maintain the strength and quality of the business relationship.

The Consultant welcomes constructive criticism and ideas at all times, as well as information pertaining to problems with its progress and/or performance. These guidelines are intended to help both parties and are subject to change.

It is understood by both parties that Hybrid Group and it’s related entities, is an Independent Contractor and is not an Employee of the Client. The Client will not provide benefits, including PAYG taxation, superannuation, holiday pay, sick leave or any other Employee benefits (including Workers Compensation) to Hybrid Group and it’s related entities.

Hybrid Group and it’s related entities are responsible for their own taxes and other withholdings from the payments received from the Client.

Our relationship will be of mutual trust wherein we will be proactive and utilise my skills to implement systems that work for Client and achieve the remote service required for the Client’s business to operate and grow.

Hybrid Group and it’s related entities has a substantial background in Marketing & Communications, Business Management, Training & Assessment and Coaching and is willing to provide services to the Client based on this background. The Client desires to have services provided by Hybrid Group and it’s related entities and, therefore, the parties agree as follows:

Description of Services Hybrid Group and it’s related entities will provide online and offline training and coaching services to the Client.

Hybrid Group and it’s related entities shall provide the Services in a timely manner as required by the Client unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties.

Guidelines and Decisions

Hybrid Group and it’s related entities will be glad to give their input, offer ideas, or make any pertinent referrals whenever necessary, however, the Client is responsible for the final decisions and specific guidelines about the work, their business and their life circumstances.

As in a good partnership, all negotiations will be carried out in a team environment.

Payment Terms & Method

Payments for all products and services are due via Paypal, Stripe or Credit Card in advance.

Rates are subject to GST. All prices are in Australian Dollars.

Payment of deposit and/or other related fees indicate that the Client has read and understands these Terms & Conditions.

Account related enquiries or correspondence are to be emailed to: [email protected]

Returns and Refunds Policy

Payments rendered are considered fully earned and non-refundable, excluding deposit payments which are fully refundable providing no information, training, services or products have been provided to the client.

Delivery Policy

Commencement of programs shall be within 7-28 days of receipt of deposit unless advised otherwise in writing.

Delivery shall be via online programs, online consultations, or face-to-face (events or consulting).


Hybrid Group and it’s related entities Terms & Conditions are your Contract.

Contract Term

Hybrid Group and it’s related entities packages and programs are contracted products; minimum contract term of 90 days to 12 months applies to certain packages, please refer to product pages for time periods.

Referral Fees

For every new Client contracted, referred by the Client, The Consultant will offer a $50 discount on the referring Client’s next invoice.

Confidentiality and Privacy Policy

Consultant acknowledges that he/she may have access to Client’s confidential and proprietary information. Such confidential information may include, without limitation: i) business and financial information, ii) business methods and practices, iii) technologies and technological strategies, iv) marketing strategies and v) other such information as Client may designate as confidential (“Confidential Information”).

Consultant agrees to not disclose to any other person (unless required by law) or use for personal gain any Confidential Information at any time during or after the term of the service period, unless Client grants express, written consent of such a disclosure. In addition, the Consultant will use his/her best efforts to prevent any such disclosure.

Confidential Information will not include information that is in the public domain unless such information falls into the public domain through Consultant’s unauthorised actions.

The Client’s work, personal and professional life is considered completely confidential. The Consultant will not share this information with anyone except the ones approved by our Client to speak on his or her behalf, and in the context of our business relationship. In addition, the Client’s contact details, postal and email address will not be distributed to any other source without prior approval by Client.

Confidentiality and Privacy After Termination

The confidentiality provisions of the Terms & Conditions shall remain in full force and effect after the termination of the contract.

Amendment Terms & Conditions may be modified or amended if the amendment is made in writing and is signed by both parties; all amendments must be attached to this original Terms & Conditions.

Binding Effect

The covenants and conditions contained in the Terms & Conditions shall apply to and bind the Parties and the heirs, legal representatives, successors and permitted assigns of the Parties.

Cumulative Rights

The Parties’ rights under the Terms & Conditions are cumulative, and shall not be construed as exclusive of each other unless otherwise required by law.


The failure of either party to enforce any provisions of the Terms & Conditions shall not be deemed a waiver or limitation of that party’s right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of the Terms & Conditions.

Force Majeure

Neither party shall be liable for any delay in performing or failure to perform its obligations hereunder to the extent that and for so long as the delay or failure results from any cause or circumstance whatsoever beyond its reasonable control (an “event of force majeure”), provided the same arises without the fault or negligence of such party and the affected party notifies the other party within three (3) working days of becoming aware of the same of such event of force majeure and the manner and extent to which its obligations are likely to be prevented or delayed, and provided also that the occurrence of any such event of force majeure shall not have the effect of discharging or postponing the affected party’s payment obligations as described in the Terms & Conditions.


Whilst all care will be taken to ensure all projects are error free, it is the Client’s responsibility to proof read each item upon completion. Should an error be found, the Client is required to advise the Consultant within forty-eight (48) hours to enable the Consultant the opportunity to rectify the error.


If any part or parts of the Terms & Conditions shall be held unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of the Terms & Conditions shall continue in full force and effect. If any court of competent jurisdiction deems any provision of the Terms & Conditions invalid or unenforceable, and if limiting such provision would make the provision valid, then such provision shall be deemed to be construed as so limited.


The Terms & Conditions shall be effective until either party terminates the Terms & Conditions by providing thirty (30) days written notice to the other party.

Any notice required or otherwise given pursuant to the Terms & Conditions shall be via mail or email to the following addresses:

Postal: Hybrid Group, PO Box 27, Ashmore City, Qld, 4214

Email: [email protected] Either party may change such addresses from time to time by providing notice as set forth above.

Governing Law The Terms & Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Queensland, Australia

Disclaimer: The information contained on our website, any of our content, training packages, consulting and advisory services is shared from personal experiences only, from what Hybrid Group and it’s related entities and their clients have experienced.  Please note that your results may vary depending on your personal circumstances and effort.  Hybrid Group and it’s related entities has been in the industry for more than 10 years and have tried and tested many strategies and “worked at it” for the long haul, their results and that of their clients are not a guarantee that you will achieve the same results.  This information is a guide only and supplied in good faith, it is not to be solely relied upon.